
Make Up Fixer
完美定妝保濕噴霧 110ml

Original price was: HK$ 210.00.Current price is: HK$ 185.00.

Case 1:混幹敏感肌,冬天干整體描述:隔離前噴了下再拍開隔離和粉底霜,然後再噴一下,效果還是挺好的,相比沒有用噴霧來看,妝容比較服帖自然,也不干粉很不錯!相對我乾皮來講,定妝噴霧要比定妝粉好用的,每次化好妝覺得還挺水潤自然的,結果用了粉餅就完了,秒變假白乾粉,這下有了定妝噴霧就好了
持久定妝不脫妝 控油補水保濕
Case 2:24.大干皮 使用效果:挺不錯的 吸收情況:沒脫妝,很潤的感覺 整體描述:小巧的,帶著也很方便 滋潤保濕:很滋潤



HERA Make Up Fixer
赫拉 彩妝系列 完美定妝保濕噴霧 110ml

Multi-purpose item to use before and after makeup
Adding a healthy glow to the skin when used as part of a skincare routine, and preps the skin into an even-toned base when used in the makeup step so that it takes makeup better. It also allows makeup to stay in place when used on top of makeup.

Fine mist for a moisturizing effect
Spritzes fine misty particles to provide moisture for the skin and hold makeup in place. Cotton extract moisturizes the skin to prevent it from drying while natural coconut oil and beet extract together help the skin stay moisturized. Moreover, fine particles do not evaporate but stay on the skin in a thin even layer. Experience an all-day moisturizing effect.

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