
Black Cushion
煥肌炫黑色氣墊霜 (半啞光黑金氣墊) 15g SPF34/PA++ (6種色)

Original price was: HK$ 348.00.Current price is: HK$ 280.00.

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HERA Black Cushion
赫拉 彩妝系列 煥肌炫黑色氣墊霜 (半啞光黑色氣墊) SPF34/PA++ (有6種色)

1. 持久遮瑕
– 鎖水持妝,光滑不易緊繃,半啞光妝效,不易變色。
– 緊密貼合肌膚表面,肌膚更自然煥采透亮,不易卡粉浮粉。
– 雙重持妝,柔韌貼合,妝容持久。

2. 輕薄服帖
– 細微粒子粉質Bright fit cover powder,輕薄不覺負擔,多層塗抹亦感清透。
– 低密度長毛粉撲,宛如專業粉底刷,觸感輕柔且不易堆粉,上妝更輕薄勻透。

3. 晚香玉香味 自信流露優雅“斬男香”
– 融合優雅花香,清新果香及冷靜木香。

4. 6大色號選擇,滿足多種亞洲膚色及妝容打造
– PINK色系,新添色號#15更白皙及#25美黑歐美妝容,滿足修容需求。

5. 設計高端大氣:俏麗黑色,盡顯亞洲“冷都女”的黑色時尚
– 高級黑+隱隱閃耀金色,凸顯SEOULISTA外柔內剛,古典又時尚,低調奢華。

HOW TO Makeup
Put HERA MAGIC STARTER mostly to the diamond zone on the face in a circular motion.
Gently blend over the face to prep the skin. (Diamond zone: connecting the center of the forehead, of both cheeks and the chin)
Put an adequate amount of BLACK CUSHION on the puff and apply by gently dabbing it along the contour of the face. (Contour line: from the center to the outer edge of the face)
HERA BLACK CUSHION runs along the contours of the face to bring out the best shape with added dimension.

How to replace the refill
Press the arrow mark at the back of the product with your thumb.
Push the bottom of the product up.
Separate the refill that pops up.
Push the new refill into place.

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