Signia Essential Balancing Emulsion – 稀佳旎雅生機乳 150ml

Original price was: HK$ 590.00.Current price is: HK$ 490.00.

1. 煥活肌膚,修護歲月痕跡
– 煥活肌膚的水仙精萃呵護肌膚,卵磷脂保濕力加乘,修護歲月痕跡,令肌膚澤潤透亮,綻現年輕質感。

2. 快速吸收,輕盈不粘膩
– 觸膚間,被肌膚快速吸收,悅享充盈飽滿,迸發沁潤活力同時締造舒適柔滑的肌膚。
A total anti-aging care emulsion with the formula carrying the vitality of Narcissus WaterTM for skin that glows from within



HERA Signia Emulsion
HERA 稀佳旎雅生機乳 150ml


The skin awakens to new vitality with Narcissus WaterTM that’s as fresh and pure as morning dew
Narcissus WaterTM with extracts of narcissus flower, leaf and root. Narcissus WaterTM full of narcissus vitality to provide deep hydration for luminous skin.

The watery fast-absorbing texture of Moisture-Fluidix technology
The watery texture glides over the skin as smoothly as silk before being completely absorbed into the skin to leave it feeling richly moisturized and refreshed.

Complete absorption of moisture into the skin for a glowing complexion
The anti-aging emulsion seamlessly blends into the skin as it fills in wrinkles, pores and texture for supple and smooth skin.

Take an adequate amount after using Signia Water in the morning and at night, and apply across the face from the inside working outward.