NARS BLUSH Orgasm 炫色腮紅 4.8g [專櫃HK$310] [請詢問實際存貨量]

Original price was: HK$ 310.00.Current price is: HK$ 210.00.

– 低調氣色紅,偏粉橘色,適合黃皮,顏色很日常,就算是手殘黨也不怕失手塗成猴屁股。很顯色,佔幾下就紅撲撲了,略帶珠光
– 皇牌配方粉質細緻,可輕鬆營造自然妝效,或疊加至更為飽和的色彩。多款時尚色調及妝效任你選擇。輕輕一掃,令雙頰頓時顯得亮麗活潑。



后 還幼系列 還幼眼霜 4ml

A richly pigmented, micronized powder formula that delivers sheer buildable color in a wide range of shades and effects. This superfine powder blends evenly with each application.

Ensure irresistibly soft, blendable application

Deliver a wide range of effects—ranging from ultra-sheer to powerful pops of color.

This micronized powder ensures a soft, blendable application.

Create endless effects with this blush’s silky matte and shimmering finishes in iconic shades

The bestselling award winner

Achieves healthy-looking color that immediately illuminates the complexion