LG Perioe Soon-JoongKi Toothbrushes Special Limited Edition 宋仲基 全優護牙膏 限量特別套裝 [請詢問實際存貨量]

HK$ 90.00

1) 4支 Perioe 0.01mm 牙刷
2) 2支 Perioe Total 7 全優護牙膏
✔️ 防蛀修護 ✔️減少牙齦問題 ✔️減少牙齒敏感
✔️ 減少牙結石形成 ✔️ 清潔牙菌斑 ✔️ 清新口氣 ✔️ 潔白牙齒



LG Household & Health Care Perioe Soon-JoongKi Toothbrushes Special Limited Edition
LG生活健康 倍瑞傲 全優護牙膏 限量特別套裝

主要功能: 清新口氣 清雅薄荷 減少牙齦問題 (預防口腔7大問題)

LG 參考連接: http://www.lgcare.com/brand/detail.jsp?gbn=2&bid1=H021
Perioe 官方參考連接: http://www.perioe.com/product/new.jsp?seq=22

Of the Korean, By the Korean, For the world Korean national toothpaste
Perioe is the total care brand for Korean oral health which provide various efficacy with a wide range of products such as toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash and whitening products.

Do you remember the first Korean toothpaste, LuckyToothpaste? LuckyToothpaste, which launched in 1954 and has long been a favorite, changed the name to Perioe on 1981. Perioe, which originated from periodontal, is now recognised as the best Korean oral care brand with its effectiveness and design. Since the brand launched, 1.2 billion tubes of toothpaste has been sold in Korea, and it’s almost 24 tubes per a person.