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White Program Deep Cleansing Foam
臻皙淨瑩潔面膏 200ml

HERA White Program Deep Cleansing Foam
赫拉 靚白臻皙 淨瑩泡沫洗面潔面膏 200ml

富含高密度微晶纖維素*和水飛薊果提取物,豐富柔軟的泡沫有效清潔肌膚,調理老化角質, 打造光彩照人、嫩滑透潤肌膚的潔面膏

1. 細密親膚
如慕斯般的綿密泡沫,每日調理肌膚老化角質和污染物, 締造光潔細膩,更柔滑透亮的肌膚。

2. 調理角質
高密度的微晶纖維素顆粒*,幫助調理肌膚多餘污垢雜質, 清潔老化角質,使用後不易緊繃,令肌膚柔軟細嫩柔滑。

3. 潔淨通透
添加水飛薊果(Milk Thistle)提取物, 能有效提升肌膚潔淨效果,呈現更加通透的光滑肌膚。

*纖維素顆粒(玉米澱粉*微晶纖維素*乳糖*蔗糖*CI 77891*生育酚乙酸酯*CI 77491*CI 77492)

用溫水清洗面部,取適量本品放在手上打出泡沫。這時, 粉紅色顆粒會在手上破裂。




Skin brightening cleansing foam for flawlessly clear and bright skin
A skin brightening cleansing foam creating a smooth creamy textured foam to easily and completely remove dead skin cells and dirt for clear and bright skin.

Cellulose beads for effective exfoliating
Cellulose beads highly effective in breaking down proteins work together with white clay to effectively remove a buildup of dead skin cells and excess sebum, leaving the skin looking clear, bright and smooth.

Moist and refreshing finish
Surfactants derived from olive oil leave the skin feeling moisturized and refreshed after cleansing.

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