Rosy-Satin Cream
玫瑰絲潤面霜 50ml (底氣霜 貼膚持妝)

HK$ 590.00

Perfect makeup starts with the perfect cream
Rosy-Satin Cream for skin that's well-moisturized and feels as soft as a rose petal
all skin types ; day/night ; Skin brightening ; anti-wrinkle
功效 :含玫瑰修復精華,從內而外美白絲潤,幫助肌膚循環,恢復健康彈力、抗皺、能性面霜。



HERA Rouge Holic Exceptional
赫拉 玫瑰乳潤面霜 50ml

A cream developed by the inspiration of the definition of “Rosy-Satin skin” defined by global make-up artist
Isabelle Pain, a global makeup artist, defines a good skin as the one with a supple outside and dewy inside. We named this skin condition ‘rosy-satin skin,’ and found the method to realize it with a even and healthy skin texture.

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