Signia Skin Refining Water – 稀佳旎雅鎏金瓶 180ml

HK$ 498.00

– 源自於冰雪中的青春秘密,奢享高貴生機之美的精華水
– 改善皺紋淨化柔嫩水潤補水
1. 富含黃金*成分,喚活肌膚
– 採用黃金*懸浮工藝,將金箔均勻分散於精華水中,令肌膚水潤且充滿活力。幫助護理肌膚老化角質並淨透肌膚,肌膚盡享璨亮呵寵,綻現新生般的光采。

2. 水仙精粹,綻現淨透肌膚
– 被譽為肌膚保險密碼的水仙鱗莖提取物,滴滴滋養,助改善肌膚衰老跡象,讓肌理更加滋潤和富有彈性,賦予肌膚活力。



HERA Signia Water
HERA 稀佳旎雅鎏金瓶 180ml

• 早晚潔面後,取適量本品,均勻塗抹於整個臉部,並輕輕拍打幫助肌膚吸收。

• 保質期為3年,開封後12個月內用完為宜。
• 保管條件10~30℃,請避開直射光線。

The skin awakens to new vitality with Narcissus WaterTM that’s as fresh and pure as morning dew
Narcissus WaterTM with extracts of narcissus flower, leaf and root. Narcissus WaterTM full of narcissus vitality to provide deep hydration for luminous skin.

Narcissus-DewTM with concentration of Exceptional Gold Drop
Narcissus-DewTM is Narcissus WaterTM with evenly distributed Gold Drop, which gets absorbed into the skin to deliver the healthy and clean energy of narcissus.

A boost of hydration for dewy glowing skin
A burst of moisture that is completely and smoothly absorbed into the skin to make it look naturally healthy and bright without leaving any feeling of stickiness.

Take an adequate amount after cleansing in the morning and at night, apply all over the face and lightly pat to help the skin absorb.